
I'm lacto free baby

For the past few months/weeks I had been getting increasing bad digestion and tummy aches - often after eating or drinking. I realised that this would always happen after i'd drank milk - and from there I realised I might be lactose intolerant. I already knew that lactose intolerance often develops in young adulthood and i'd learnt before that, as humans, out bodies aren't made to digest other mammals milk other than our mothers milk as an infant. We know not to give pets milk to drink because it is bad for them. We, like them, are mammals so why should we, as humans, be any different? It took me a while to admit that this was probably, definitely a lactose intolerance as I love strawberry milkshake and iced coffee more than my leather fringed jacket and I knew, that as soon as I admitted it, I would have to stop drinking those (as I was used to).

Had I known that soya/almond milk tastes SO GOOD I would have converted a long time ago. Not only do I feel better I don't miss drinking cows milk at all. Today, almost all cafés will sell soy milk coffees. In addition, soy/almond milk keeps in a cupboard (unopened) for months i.e. there will be no more running out of milk or competition for fridge space. 

Right, so advice, even if you aren't lactose intolerant (which apparently most people are) go get yo soya milk on.

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